“Your focus determines your reality” – Qui-Gon Jinn

Artist Updates

Fave quote up there.*

I’ve finally come around to the fact that I need to share more of my creative process with you instead of working silently in my hermit-hole and hoping that people will see my work that way. It’s taken this long for me to finally realize that I need to be more open and confident in what I do. I hope that keeping an updated blog is a step in that direction. Plus it’ll help me better articulate my ideas:)

I want to update this blog on a weekly or maybe bi-weekly basis. It’ll help me focus more on my work that I’ve been neglecting the last few months.

I’m hoping that by updating this blog and sticking to it, it helps me reconnect with my creative self while also sharing my ideas and processes with you. Stay tuned.

*Phantom Menace was the first Stars Wars movie I saw and it was in theaters and I was an impressionable eight-year old. No regrets*