What a time its been.

Artist Updates

It’s been a tumultuous past 14 months.

So many things have happened from the last time I updated this blog.

To briefly sum that time up, I balanced a management position at work while navigating the journey of pregnancy for the first time. Needless to say, both left me mentally and physically drained, and thus my creative hobbies took a backseat. Then the day that my son was born shiz literally hit the fan with the pandemic becoming a reality in my city. Now I balance working from home and caring for my son whilst figuring out how to get back into a creative practice again.

Look at this perfect ball of cuteness and sweetness.

Now that my sweet boy is here, I’ve reevaluated my goals for this blog and how to get reinvigorated about it. I want to use this space as my own patch of earth to till, and share with you my own journey as an artist who’s also a mother.

One thing that I’ve always been interested in was creating my own illustrations and even writing my own children’s books. As a child I was always taking paper out of my grandparent’s printer and stapling together my own little books. Having an infant around has reinvigorated my interest in creating children’s books, especially since I’ve realized that everything is so novel to him. I want to write and illustrate my own books to regain that sense of wonder and create a new experience within the pages of a book.

So stay tuned, next post I’ll share what I’m working on. I just wanted to give a quick update since I’ve neglected this blog for too long.