For the last couple of years I’ve had this idea of creating a children’s book with my own illustrations and writing. I have a few ideas brewing but the first one I want to focus on is an alphabet book focusing on cryptids and legendary creatures from around the world. (To be honest, it was impossible trying to find a cryptid for each letter so I’ve broadened my net of beasties to choose from!)
Cryptids and beasts from folklore and legends have always inspired my imagination and my fascination with thinking about what we don’t know about the reality we live in keeps me obsessed with them.
“Jackalope” One of the critters that may end up in my book!
I’ve been sketching out some rough ideas just to get the creative flow going. I really only have enough time to sketch things out right now since SOMEONE, aka my son, keeps me pretty busy during the daylight hours:) He’s also serving as inspiration because I want to create a book that I can share with him and show him that momma is artsy!
I have my list of critters to write about and illustrate, now I just need to figure out which should come first, the writing or the illustration? I’m thinking that if I at least have a rough draft I can easily start sketching ideas. I suppose the visual style will come organically as I work through my ideas. My forever-problem as an artist is that I tend to overthink things and sputter to a halt before I ever really get going. I’m going to change that with this project, I’m not sure how just yet, but I there’s a first time for everything!
Any advice on how to keep going on a project? Or yell at me to JUST DO IT?!
Let me know in the comments below.
The answer is yes. Don’t worry about which is first, sometimes it will be one and other times it will be the other, some other times they come together…
This is awesome! Be sure to post sketches that you’re comfortable sharing- I’m excited to see your progress. As always, I’m here to help if you need critiqued!