I’m not the type to mourn and complain about how a certain year(s) was terrible.
Mainly because I think it devalues an entire year’s worth of experiences and that’s not healthy, mentally. I would certainly say that in 2021 I realized that I was surrounding myself with negativity and that it was affecting my self-esteem and feelings of self-worth…But aside from that, there were some bright pinpoints of light the past two years and I’m focusing on those in this post.
2020 Review:
- January – finished painting the outlet covers for nursery (Studio Ghibli/Totoro-themed), I wanted to add an artistic touch to my son’s room
- February – Saw Birds of Prey in theaters (the last theater visit for a while) and discovered some excellent music in the process
- March – birth of my long-awaited miracle child and the onset of the new World we’re all living in right now
- April – went back to work from maternity leave…
- June – over extended myself in trying to care for my infant, work full time, while stressing out about attempting Junicorn, a challenge on Instagram where you draw a unicorn every day…Mental break.
- August – Completed a monthly challenge for the 1st time in my life, completed Smaugust, a challenge on Instagram where you draw a dragon each day of the month. View the video flip-through of this sketchbook, here.
- September – submitted and mailed off my Smaugust sketchbook to be a part of the Brooklyn Art Library Sketchbook Project
- November – finished my 1st commissioned artwork since before I was pregnant
- December – Little One created his 1st painting, the 1st of more to come

2021 Review:
- March- marked the 5th year of working at my current day job, it pays the bills while I work on my true passion
- August – completed Avian August drawing challenge
- October – started work on my 1st children’s book (5 illustrations down, 20 more to go)
- June – did my 1st 5k Run/Walk since having a child (I’d rather lift weights than run, but still like doing 5ks with my husband)
- December – Sold 2 chicken paintings (thank you, patron!)

Goals for 2022:
- Publish ABCs of Beasties on June 8th
- Post consistently on my blog…2x a month
- Interview local artists who are also balancing creative pursuits and child-care (share on blog)
- Update my professional portfolio (hello, chicken series)
- Create body of work suitable for art licensing
- Outline next children’s book
- Create mythical mini-zines (I’ve been wanting to make these for a while)
- Read one book a month
- Play more board games with loved ones
- Go hiking again!
- Try plein-air painting (with a toddler, so we’ll see how that pans out)
Over the past two years I’ve learned that progress takes time, and any step forward, no matter how small, is still progress. It took me a while to get back into the rhythm of things, namely setting aside time for myself and creative pursuits. Here’s to 2022 and keeping up the momentum.
You do you! Good luck on your 2022 aspirations!
“Joy and happiness radiate from our eyes, and everyone around us benefits from our smile and our presence. If we take good care of ourselves, we help everyone. We stop being a source of suffering to the world, and we become a reservoir of joy and freshness.”
-Thich Nhat Hanh
I think about and return to this comment a lot when I’m feeling rundown. Thank you <3