
2022/2023 Years in Review

Artist Updates

Wow, can’t believe I forgot to do a roundup for the last two years! 2022 was definitely a cruddy year, and most of 2023 was too. But here I am, still persisting. Gotta keep moving forward. 2022 Review: I’ll come back to it some day. 2023 Review: Projects in the works for 2024: I didn’t make an official New Year’s resolution or goal list, but my projects listed above are my 2024 goals, I suppose. …

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What makes a story a myth, legend, or folktale?

Cryptids & Mythology

With art market season winding down (I have one more on November 18th), I’ll be coming back more frequently to my blog. Lately I’ve been wanting to delve into the nuances of what makes a story a myth, legend, or folktale. This topic is something I’ve been wanting to research and write a bit more about since my artwork has been dealing a lot with creatures from various myths, legends, and folktales. Why is knowing …

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A long serpentine lake creature is hanging out with a red salmon.

My Top 5 Favorite North American Cryptids to Find

Cryptids & Mythology

With summer approaching, we are provided more opportunities to go outside and explore. As the sun’s rays extend to 9pm on balmy summer evenings and the kiddos are out of school, we are given more time to discover the great outdoors. Well, how else are you going to find a cryptid or beastie if you don’t get outside and look? This got me thinking about my top 5 North American cryptids I’d love to find. …

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Things I Learned Self-Publishing my 1st Children’s Book

Artists Advice

I learned so much illustrating and self-publishing my first children’s book. From a person who didn’t receive formal training in book publishing or marketing, I had my work cut out for me. For a long time, I’ve been wanting to jump into the book illustration industry. I finally took the plunge and created my own personal project to showcase my skills and learn some new ones along the way. Below are a few realizations I …

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“ABCs of Beasties” is Now Live!

Artist Updates

Well, I finally did it. After nearly 2 years of planning, sketching, stressing, painting, and redesigning, my first “book-baby” is complete. ABCs of Beasties has truly been a labor of love and I’m so excited to finally share it with you. It’s available through Amazon here. I hope that this book encourages imagination and exploration into the folklore and stories present all around us. This is the sort of book I loved as a kid; …

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“Death is Nothing at All”

Artist Updates

I figured it was time for an update, mainly because I said that I’d return in mid-May, and here it is almost mid-June! A lot has happened since I last updated, we sold our house, moved, and FINALLY settled in. Never realized how long it takes to finally get settled into a new living situation, both physically and mentally. Things were looking up. Then my grandma passed. I’m still reeling from her passing, it just …

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On Hiatus – Until Mid-May!

Artist Updates

Life outside of my artwork and website and suddenly gotten very busy…but all for positive and exciting reasons! Just wrapped up birthday #2 for Little One and now we’re making some big changes in our abode! Unfortunately I have to push back my publication date of my first illustrated children’s book. But this will keep me from rushing it out and not being satisfied with quick, shoddy work. Ultimately the book project is for me, …

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20/21 Roundup – Art and Mental Health Priorities

Artist Updates

I’m not the type to mourn and complain about how a certain year(s) was terrible. Mainly because I think it devalues an entire year’s worth of experiences and that’s not healthy, mentally. I would certainly say that in 2021 I realized that I was surrounding myself with negativity and that it was affecting my self-esteem and feelings of self-worth…But aside from that, there were some bright pinpoints of light the past two years and I’m …

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How to Make the Most out of Drawing Challenges

Artists Advice

Like I’ve mentioned before, as artists we’re always looking for ways to connect, improve, and challenge our creative practice. I’ve participated in my fair share of drawing challenges, so I believe I have enough experience to help other artists get the most out of them. With the approaching footsteps of art challenges this autumn ( hello, Smaugust and Inktober) I’ve been thinking a lot about art challenges lately. Namely, the one that I completed last …

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My Favorite Art Drawing Challenges

Artists Advice

As an artist we’re always looking for ways to connect, improve, and challenge ourselves in our creative practice. The arrival of social media and subsequent art challenges has fulfilled this opportunity for many of us. Over the following weeks I’ll be doing a two-part series on art drawing challenges to help fellow artists who are looking for a challenge! In the first part of this series I’ll provide just a fraction of an ever-growing list …

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